September 2018
Back to school time! Well, not really, but very soon … we hope. This is a pretty significant part of history our little town is going through. No matter which side of the argument you are on (or if you’re neutral), the strike and delay of the start of school has very likely had an impact on your life. However, I fully believe our wonderful community will come out as strong as ever in the end. We are hopeful that school will begin next week and everyone will feel respected, supported, and valued. Until then, enjoy your extended summer to the fullest!!
Speaking of kids …
CrossFit Kids is returning Wednesday, October 17th!!! Our first session will be FIVE weeks long (if you sign up before October 17th). Session 1 will be Oct 17, 24, (skip 31st), Nov 7, 14, (skip Thanksgiving week), & 28th. Session 2 will be December 5, 12, 19, & Jan 2. Cost is $35+tax a session and is billed monthly on autopay. Email us to sign up or click on the kids class tab. Class times will be:
3 – 5 year olds 10:15 – 11 am
5 – 10 year olds 3:30 – 4:30 pm
10 – 15 year olds 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Blake 2018 Open
Blake Webb has been a Washougal River CrossFit athlete since he was 13 (he started way back when we were still CrossFit NorthPacific)! Watching him grow and mature into the athlete he has become has been (mostly) so much fun. Now that he is going off to college to try and rule the world, we decided to interview Blake and ask him about his journey from a chubby kid who was good at sports to the dedicated athlete he is today. In honor of his 13 years of age when he started, we asked him 13 questions! His answers were spontaneous and unprepared.
Why did you start going to CrossFit?
Because I was a chubby white kid and all my friends would make fun me.
What are your thoughts about your journey from when you first started to now?
Unreal. It’s kind of like one of those things you would see on YouTube where it’s like a before and after picture. Like, here is where I was then and here is what my thought process was. Now, it’s like, I can do a muscle up. That’s pretty cool. None of my friends can do that.
What’s your favorite CrossFit move?
Squat snatch
What’s your least favorite CrossFit move?
Double dumbbell burpee box step overs!
What’s your favorite sport to play? Why?
Wrestling because it’s a contact sport, but low impact and lower chance of injury compared to football.
What’s your current career goal?
Trophy husband (said without thought or hesitation).
What’s something that most people probably don’t know about you?
That I was once a pretty chubby kid. People see me now doing muscle ups and stuff, but have no idea I was the chubby kid a few years ago.
What’s your favorite dessert?
Cheesecake! Any kind, but not caramel. It’s too rich or something.
Do you plan to continue CrossFit in college?
Yes. I’m going to join a team, I think.
What is one thing, person, etc that has helped you the most over the last few years?
Basketball. I got cut twice. Even though the outcome might not have turned out the way that I wanted it to, I got something else out of it. Which is wrestling; the sport that I love the most.
Do you have a tip or suggestion for a kid who might be just starting out like you once were?
Just keep going. Just keep going to CrossFit. Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let people mess with your mindset.
What can you do now that you couldn’t do before you started CrossFit? What are you better at, other than CrossFit?
What am I not better at? My social skills are a lot better. My physical activity is better. My personality is just brighter. Every aspect has been enhanced from it. *(He later said that his confidence has been boosted.)
Do you remember the WOD that you first beat your dad?
No, but I remember the thought! And going home like, “Mom, I beat dad today!” I think it was a bodyweight WOD.
Interviewing Blake was really fun for me. I love how goofy he is, but still understands when something should be taken seriously. My favorite part of the entire question and answer session is when Blake stopped mid-answer to help someone. That, among many other reasons (complaining about “feeling old” isn’t one of them), is why we love him so much. Blake Webb, you will be very much missed and we cannot wait to watch you become a successful adult and grow to be even more confident in yourself. In the words of a pretty smart kid I know: “Just keep going. Don’t let people mess with your mindset.”
Blake - one of his very first WODs
Finally, this month we want to leave you a few rules for success:
be kind
be on time
work hard
try again
no cherry picking
lift heavy
Things to know:
9 am ONLY on Monday September 3
BRICK is now Mon, Wed, Thurs at 1 pm
Coach Jerime is taking a break, his life is just a bit too busy to add coaching: we sure will miss him!